
This is a list of people and topics that are blacklisted. I do not wish to have any conversations about any of these.

Blacklisted People

People that are blacklisted from contact and any from of interaction. I don't want to talk to them. They are on here for a reason and I don't need to be contested over that.
If you are friends with someone on this list you are free to interact just know I don't want to talk about them or want to be in contact with them. Some of these people have caused me issues and others have traumatized me. I don't need them brought up again.
I do not want to be stalked and I know some might try to do that for one or two people on here. If you are stalking for them please rethink what you are doing. Would someone that cares about you want you do to that?
I am only going to get involved if you force my hand. And you do not want to do that.

_mindstatic / RoosterHead - 9/8/22
Jdragonxitering - 2021
MilkPaste/SliceOfCrystal - 2020
AcidWash - 2020
DoodleSnek - 2020
Mew/Megashadowmew/Lavender-Skunk - 2020
Snowyfool - 11/3/2022
DR3AMZ_TV - 11/5/2022
nightrelic/fence/fennelfence - 2022
FINLEE - 12/4/2022
Fazballs/1nkTastic - 12/4/2022
sparkle - 9/11/2023
Imp-Gal-Draws - Re added 8/13/2023

Blacklisted Topics

These are the blacklisted topics that I will not tolerate any conversations on. Either for mental health reasons or to keep my day from being ruined. If you have a problem with me blacklisting these topics then don't talk to me. They are on this list for a reason, you are welcome to ask me for a reason but are not welcome to debate me on that reason.

Dream SMP
Dream in general
Political topics/Tr*mp
Serious NSFW

Anyone on my blacklist is not to contact me.
Reasons can be given if you ask.

Soft Blocked

Those that are blocked for my mental health for the time being.
I don't mind them contacting me but they are block on my main platforms due to mental health.

Those softblocked bc they have a Character of mine in a "Dreamie" folder.


. . .